5 tips for the right after sun care

Summer has slowly bridged into the second part and those who have not yet had time to enjoy the summer sun are catching up on what they missed. We already covered how to sunbathe properly and what rules to follow in a previous article Why use natural sunscreens. But what about aftercare for the skin after sunbathing? But how to take care of your skin after sunbathing or even when you get a sunburn? I will try to answer these questions right now 😊

How to take care of your skin after sunbathing in 5 steps

As we have already mentioned, it goes without saying to take good care of your skin when you tan. This is probably a no-brainer. Aftercare is also important.

1) Refresh yourself with a cold shower

When you return home, we recommend soothing and cooling your irritated skin with a lukewarm or cold shower. When showering, use natural shower gels that don't dry out the skin or cause further irritation. For example, we recommend Soaphoria Pure Aloe Shower Gel. Aloe Vera in general is such a little big miracle in natural cosmetics. But we'll come back to that.

2) Hydration, hydration and hydration

After showering, it's essential to moisturize your skin. Ideal natural products are those that not only hydrate your skin on the surface, but also penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin where their molecules lock in moisture and keep it where it's needed. The absolute number one is Suntribe After Sun Balm Eucalyptus & Jojoba. Which, in addition to providing deep hydration (which shea butter is responsible for), will give stressed skin the regeneration it needs and relieve pain. This is aided by the unique tamanu oil combined with jojoba oil, both of which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative properties. And don't forget to drink plenty of fluids to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

3) A miracle is called Aloe Vera

If you've gone a little overboard with the tanning and instead of a nice tan you're taking home sunburnt skin, Aloe Vera is the first aid. This amazing wonder probably comes from the Sudan, Arabia or Somalia, while other sources cite the Canary Islands as its origin. Either way, the miraculous healing powers of Aloe have been known for millennia. Aloe vera has powerful anti-inflammatory and healing properties, almost instantly cooling and soothing burnt skin for immediate relief. So always keep it on hand, ideally in the form of a gel such as Myrro Cooling Gel with Aloe vera.

4) Soothing essential oils

Essential oils can also provide first aid for sunburn. St. John's wort oil, calendula oil, or lavender essential oil can help. All oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, nourish the skin, promote rapid regeneration and relieve burning and redness. You can use them alone or together in Myrro Balm for wounds and burns.

5) If you don't have to, don't go in the direct sun

Give your skin the time and rest it needs to regenerate. Avoid direct sunlight altogether if possible. If you do have to go, keep your time in the sun to a minimum, use natural sunscreens with a high SPF and wear light, airy clothing made of natural materials that don't drag or scratch.


Remember that prevention is always better than cure, so again, follow the rules of safe sunbathing and give your skin plenty of time and care to recover. By following the rules you will prevent or at least minimise damage to your skin. Enjoy the rest of the summer to the full and without unnecessary complications.


Your girls ❤️




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