WINE AWAY Stain Remover 360 ml
WINE AWAY Stain Remover 360 ml
Wine Away® in our most popular size. This bottle is the perfect size for tackling large red wine stains on carpets, clothing, or furniture. Wine Away removes both fresh and dried red wine stains. This remarkable stain remover is designed to remove most red wine stains from carpets, upholstery, and your favorite pieces of clothing.
Carpet: Absorb the excess stain.
Saturate the stain with Wine Away and let it sit for 1-5 minutes. Wipe the stain until it disappears.Fabric: If you are treating the garment while wearing it, place the fabric between the garment and the skin.
Saturate the stain with Wine Away. Let it sit for 1-5 minutes. Wash according to the manufacturer's instructions. Always check the garment before drying. Another application may be required.Our TIP: Wine Away cleaner is also effective on stains from coffee, blood, fruit punch, ink, and sports drinks.
Wine Away works great on both fresh and dried stains. The cleaner works best on stains that have not been pre-treated with another cleaning agent.
Why will you love it?
For its practicality, composition. This is the most practical packaging of Wine Away for every household.
Staci Wanichek, 4 W Rees Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362,
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