Every year in our lives can be perceived as crucial or extraordinary.
Whether we choose to perceive it on a personal, social, global, planetary, or spiritual level, it can be a challenging period, full of tests of our inner integrity and moral strength, full of movement and unexpected fundamental changes. It is precisely then that we can cleanse ourselves of the old and unnecessary, separate the essential from the superfluous, distorted morality from good intentions. For these exceptional moments, the created synergy of essential oils will help us navigate challenging times in harmony with our own essence and planet Earth. It will aid the transformation we have chosen, clear our thoughts, and bring clarity to our visions. It opens a space for quiet contemplation and spiritual liberation, calms our doubts, gives us stability, faith, and support. Last but not least, an important intention of the synergistic blend is to enhance viability and provide inspiration for new choices. Cleansed, we can then embark on the new, with love and without fear.All essential oils in this blend are of organic quality, where the oil is obtained from plants from controlled organic production and is provided with the mandatory certificate. In aromatherapy, they are used for their ability to influence the body's functions and also affect our psyche and emotions. You can use essential oils in aromatherapy during a massage, as a warm or cold compress, in a bath, for gargling, for inhalation, or to diffuse into the air.
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