SOAPHORIA French Green Clay 150 ml
SOAPHORIA French Green Clay 150 ml
The greenish ground mineral is a pure natural substance with a wide range of uses, making it excellent for all skin types.
It is suitable for sensitive skin, but due to its cleansing, antiseptic, and disinfecting properties, it is ideal for combination to oily and acne-prone skin. Tightens, softens, and regenerates. It regulates sebum production and balances the skin and problematic areas. Remineralizes hair and adds shine, helps fight dandruff, cleanses oily hair. Clay is an effective agent in dental hygiene.Why will you love it?
Mineral clays are 100% natural finely ground powdered earths rich in minerals, trace elements, and other valuable substances beneficial for the human body and our skin. Clays excellently soften, regenerate, smooth, and revitalize the skin. They are versatile helpers, we can use them to cleanse the skin of the face and head, hair, body and hair wraps, and baths. They help alleviate symptoms of skin problems, inflammation, itching, and skin irritation, as well as more serious issues such as fungal infections, eczema, or psoriasis. They work deeply and detoxify. s.r.o., Černyševského 10 851 01 Bratislava, Slovensko,
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